Basic Traits of Graphoanalysis Volume I, IGAS Instruction Dept
These two important volumes complete an in-depth study of more than 80 basic traits in Graphoanalysis. Nearly 900 writing specimens illustrate the principles discussed in the text. The 25 chapters in Volume I and 36 in Volume II have been emended and updated with the newest research and thinking. Nearly two years in preparation, these volumes are an indispensable aid in fully understanding the various facets of basic traits, their relationships and influences. Includes an exhaustive cross-index.
Basic Traits of Graphoanalysis Volume II, IGAS Instruction Dept
These two important volumes complete an in-depth study of more than 80 basic traits in Graphoanalysis. Nearly 900 writing specimens illustrate the principles discussed in the text. The 25 chapters in Volume I and 36 in Volume II have been emended and updated with the newest research and thinking. Nearly two years in preparation, these volumes are an indispensable aid in fully understanding the various facets of basic traits, their relationships and influences. Includes an exhaustive cross-index.
Bunker on Evaluation, M.N. Bunker
The most comprehensive and authoritative text on evaluation ever published. You'll find more than 100 handwriting specimens illustrated both in the text and in a convenient supplementary booklet. All specimens are broken down stroke-by-stroke and then evaluated. Also included are unabridged studies of 24 famous signatures- an exclusive feature of this fine volume. A professional, timely work designed for both students and graduates.
Evaluation Guide, S. Rodgers
A comprehensive guidebook to the proper evaluation of traits found in any handwriting compiled by a top Graphoanalyst who understands the problems encountered in preparing accurate analyses. Lists and defines more than 100 different traits and shows how to give each its proper value in the overall personality picture. Includes a suggested analysis outline. This carefully prepared and indexed work will save you many hours of searching through reference books.
Case Book No. 1, M.N. Bunker
Ten fascinating and revealing case studies taken from the author's personal files. Each case provides you with expert instruction in recognizing and evaluating traits. Truly a comprehensive and advanced study for students and graduates.
Case Book No. 2, M.N. Bunker
Additional penetrating cases written by the founder of Graphoanalysis. As in the first volume, each of the ten cases in this text is virtually a complete study in the professional uses of Graphoanalysis. A fine companion volume to Case Book No. 1.
Theory and Practice of Counseling for Graphoanalysts, J. Crumbaugh
This important guide has been written for those Graphoanalysts who are interested in offering a counseling service, as well as those who are already engaged in this activity and want to perform more effectively. All Graphoanalysts will welcome Dr. Crumbaugh's survey of psychological theory and his elucidation of the various clinical tests in psychology. He reveals the many ways in which Graphoanalysis may be used in counseling and surveys psychological theory and clinical testing. Illustrated.
Literary Aptitude, E.Stockholm
An important and useful study of a significant component of creativity. This quality is often undetected in an individual, thus robbing a person of a channel for self-expression and self-actualization. Here is a broad five-chapter analysis with numerous case studies and historical examples. The book is particularly valuable for those Graphoanalysts specializing in vocational advice.
Graphoanalytic Aspects of Intelligence, E. Stockholm
Intelligence can be defined in a variety of ways. This study looks at some of the basic factors and categories of intelligence and discusses how Graphoanalysis can reveal the level of efficiency at which a person is using his or her mental potential. Handwriting specimens and analyses illustrate the ideas discussed in the text.
Portraits in Handwriting, Volume I, IGAS Instruction Dept
Here in a handsome printing is fine reading, valuable instruction, and a guide to effective analysis writing. Included are comprehensive Graphoanalysis reports on 28 personalities based on their handwriting specimens. To lend scope and variety, the subjects were chosen from different walks of life, including an actor, a poet, and an artist. Each report was written by a well-qualified Graphoanalyst. An instructive, helpful text.
Portraits in Handwriting, Volume II, IGAS Instruction Dept
This companion volume offers handwriting analyses of 26 diverse personalities - a film start, a poker player, a zoo director, a composer, a belly dancer, Olympic speed skating champions, etc. Every principle of Graphoanalysis is in evidence in one personality or another. Practice and test your own skills against those of the authors.
Dictionary of Stroke Structures in Graphoanalysis
Here is "instant recall" when you forget the meaning of a stroke structure. This dictionary helps you identify strokes, singly or in combination, almost immediately - a time-saver for students, a refresher for graduates. The first section of the book includes strokes commonly identified with alphabetical structures, the second illustrates strokes that are part of a wide range of structures-such as initial, final, "break-away" - and gives their Graphoanalytic interpretations. Includes a handy index of traits.
A Man is What Happens to a Boy, E. Stockholm
This is a Graphoanalytic approach to child psychology. Deals with psychological needs of children, causes and results of deprivations, detection of anxiety symptoms through handwriting analysis, and the nature and operation of defense traits. Includes a brilliant professional Graphoanalysis. Heavily illustrated throughout.
The Journal of Graphoanalysis®
The Journal of Graphoanalysis® is a monthly publication containing news and articles about handwriting analysis. Several writings are analyzed in the publication and Graphoanalysis® is used to evaluate several handwriting specimens.
A Synopsis of Traits with Positive and Negative Aspects, B. Atwell, Volume 1
These volumes are designed to help Graphoanalysts understand how traits are manifested in the personality and to be aware of their positive and negative aspects. Volume I is divided into four chapters: slant, depth, mental processes. and traits. Chapter 4 includes individual entries for 55 traits. Each entry opens with a brief description that defines the characteristics and gives their chief functions. Following are the positive and negative aspects of the trait as it functions in different areas of the personality and in combination with other traits.slant, depth, mental processes. and traits. Each entry opens with a brief description which defines the characteristics and gives their chief functions. Following are the positive and negative aspects of the trait as it functions in different areas of the personality and in combination with other traits
A Synopsis of Traits with Positive and Negative Aspects, B. Atwell, Volume 2
These volumes are designed to help Graphoanalysts understand how traits are manifested in the personality and to be aware of their positive and negative aspects. Volume 2 covers 36 additional traits and concludes with an appendix that answers questions Graphoanalysts may have when discussing traits in their analyses.continues with more traits, and concludes with an appendix which answers questions that Graphoanalysts may have when they discuss traits in :heir analyses.
Character and Career, IGAS Instruction Dept
Attractive edition of a practical guide to both vocational counseling and personnel selection, written by experts in the field. Explains how to match character and personality traits with job requirements. using the widely recognized Holland vocational personality types in conjunction with Graphoanalysis traits. Includes discussion of health, leadership qualities, and vocational implications of individual traits. Includes a “Vocational Aptitude Questionnaire” for prospective employees and a “Placement Guide” to be used by employers.
Fears and Defenses, IGAS Instruction Dept
This outstanding text, recently revised, is designed to help you increase your ability to recognize fears and defenses as they appear in the handwriting of children and adults, and to understand their effects on behavior and personality. This volume contains all 24 of the articles which ran in the Journal of Graphoanalysis as a series under the same title, as well as an index to virtually every subject discussed. Nearly 300 handwriting specimens and eight trait relationship charts illustrate the study.
Evaluated Traits of Graphoanalysis, IGAS Instruction Dept
This text is essentially a course in evaluation. In-depth studies of eighteen common personality traits show how clusters of selected basic traits influence each other to create what Graphoanalysts term “evaluated” traits. Hundreds of handwriting specimens are analyzed to illustrate the effects of varying intensities and combinations of basic traits on the personality structures of the writers.
The Logic of Evaluation, T. Lalime,
Every Graphoanalyst realizes that evaluation is an endless study and welcomes assistance. Ms. Lalime’s methods produce a high degree of accuracy and have solved problems for many. Helpful to both beginners and advanced Graphoanalysis students.
Vocational Direction Through Handwriting Analysis:The Vocational Graphoanalytic Inventory, Irene Lambert
A unique vocational Graphoanalysis system is presented with size and slant gauges included. Mrs. Lambert has translated John Holland’s well-accepted vocational system of six personality models into a Graphoanalysis system to determine aptitudes in the handwriting. The form, along with its trait descriptions are detailed for a comprehensive understanding. Information on aptitudes, goal setting, as well as a work sample are presented, along with her research experiences. John Holland’s The Occupations Finder is also included to help reference careers.